Tuam Town Commissioners, Minutes, 1957 - 1963
-‘A lengthy report from the Engineer on the amounts he would require in 1958/59 year for maintenance of the Town Hall and Shambles, Improvements of Fair Green and Repairs of Meat Stall and Houses was read’ (p26).
-Discussion regarding the allocation of ranges in Council houses (pp33-34).
-‘TUAM FAIR DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION A deputation from the Association was admitted…stressing that the construction of a live stock mart would be detrimental to the business of the town and would tend to tie small farmers to one purchaser, the mart association, in the disposal of their produce…’ (p75, see also p104).
-‘A pump at Ballymoate sun some eleven months ago had not functioned for ten months and that eleven families were dependent on it for water’ (p117).
-‘The Manager informed the Board that in applying a Town Planning Scheme to Tuam an acre around the Town was proposed for inclusion and detailed the townlands involved…’ (p150, see also p 215).
-‘The Chairman (Burke) then proposed that Commissioner O’Brien, the last holder of the chairman’s Office should accept the invitation to witness the conferring of the Freedom of the City of Galway on President Kennedy of the U.S.A. instead of himself in view of Mr O’Brien’s services to the Board and of the fact that the invitation was received during Mr O’Brien’s term of office. This was agreed to’ (p243).