Tuam Town Commissioners, Minutes, 1932-1935
-‘Mr Stapleton submitted a specification for the electric wiring of the Town Hall. The specification was approved of and it was decided to forward copy of same to Messrs Gardiner and Rynhart, Electricians, Westport and to local men and to ask for estimates for same’ (p2).
-‘That an address of welcome by the Board be presented to Mr De Valera on his visit to Tuam on Friday 12th inst (February 1931)’ (p7).
-‘Tenders for the shoeing of the Commissioners’ horse for one year from the 1st April 1931 were received…’ (p8).
-Tenders for the vacant meat stall reviewed (p15).
-‘That lavatories be installed in the McHale Terrace houses, and that the cost of same be levied on the tenants by way of increase of rent of 1/- per week until same is paid off...’(p18).
-‘That, we, Tuam Town Commissioners place on record the deep sense of loss Ireland has suffered on the death of Mrs Pearse, one of Ireland’s noblest martyred women, whose two sons gave their young and gallant lives for the cause of Irish nationhood, blessed by that noble mother whose death the entire nature now deplores’ (3 May 1932, p21).
-‘That Galway Board of Health be requested to have the sewerage drain at Galway Road (near level crossing) cleaned immediately’ (p23).
-‘…on behalf of the people of Tuam pledge our whole-hearted support to the Government in the stand it has taken in the present national crises and in its fight against economic subjection. We view, with dismay, the unpatriotic attitude of a certain section of our own people, and a hostile anti-national press, not worthy of support. We appeal to all Irishmen to stand united behind the Government and help them in their struggle in release their people from unjust and crushing burdens…’ (p33).
-‘That T Hussey be appointed tenant at no. 3 McHale Terrace. Mr W Lohan, tenant of No. 18 McHale Terrace, and Thomas Donelan tenant of No. 2 Parkmore Terrace at the weekly rent of 5/- (five shillings) exclusive of rates and other charges…’(p52).
-‘Mr P Purcell, Secretary, Tuam, Fianna Fáil Cumainn, wrote requesting the co-operation of the Town Commissioners in putting forward the claim for a Beet Factory in Tuam….’ (p55).
-‘The Town Clerk and Tuam Steward were ordered to make a survey of derelict sites and houses unfit for human habitation in Tuam and to submit the list to a Special Meeting of the Board..’(p63).
-An address of welcome was to be presented to Mr De Valera, President of the Executive Council of the Irish Free State ‘on the occasion of his visit to Tuam to open the new Beet Factory’ (p127).
-‘That steps be taken by the Commissioners to provide a fire engine and additional fire appliances for the town; also to employ firemen’ (p130).
-Letter from James Cooney, Lessee of the Town Hall Cinema ‘stating that he proposed to install a Cinematograph machine and projectors in the hall on the 22nd September and that according to the terms of letting he would be liable for half the premium payable after 50 cinema entertainments…’ (p246).
-‘A Deputation of works engaged in the making of the new road from Tuam to the Beet Factory came before the meeting and asking the support of the Town Commissioners with them in their action of going on strike for an increased rate of wages…’ (p247).