Tuam Town Commissioners, Minutes, 1926-1929
-Minister of Local Government and Public Health ‘approves for the Tuam Town Commissioners raising a loan of £1,200 for completing and furnishing the Town Hall...’(4p).
-‘That we the Tuam Town Commissioners congratulate the Guards for the courageous and energetic action led by Sergeant Roddy in fighting the fire which recently occurred in Mr Tigue’s premises in this town…without their assistance the fire must have spread and burnt a considerate portion of the town’ (p13).
-Need for sewerage scheme at McHale Terrace where there ‘are 20 houses in the town blocks and although is laid on, there is no means of taking away the waste from these houses. A few yards away is the sewer serving the new houses built by the commissioners and it cannot be very expensive to connect the McHale Terrace houses with this…’(p16).
-‘A letter from the County Board of Health requesting the Town Commissioners to take over the management, finance etc of the Tuam Water Work…’ (p17).
-‘Mr Butler proposed Mr M J Walsh seconded that the new Terrace at Ballygaddy Road be named Saint Benin Terrace, he being the patron saint of Kilbannon, passed unanimously’ (p32).
-‘We request you call a special meeting of the Tuam Commissioners to be held this evening at 8 o’clock. To join with other public bodies in the province to protest against the impending action of the Government in contemplating the closing down of the Galway University’ (p33).
-Tenders received and accepted for the two new houses at St Benin’s Terrace (p70).
-‘The Clerk was directed to write to the Secretary of the Soldiers and Sailors Land Trust and find out cause of delay in building the houses at Bishop Street, Tuam, it being a long time in contemplation’ (p73).
-Housing Department, Merrion Square agreed to the Commissioners selling houses to tenants under the Housing of the Working Classes (Ireland) Acts, subject to certain conditions (p75).
-‘The Clerk was directed…to state the sewerage of the Town is in a bad state nothing has been done for years and unless something is done their (sic) will be an epidemic.
And any works such as pumps etc, done in no.s 1-2 Dispensary districts have been and is always paid by Tuam Urban’ (p94).
-Tenders for Tolls & Customs reviewed (p101).
-‘A complete sewerage system for the town of Tuam would cost £12,000…’ (p124).
-Offer of ‘…sum of £455 for the Artizan’s dwelling at St Benin’s Terrance’ accepted (p170).
-Regarding 5 new houses at Galway Road it was resolved that ‘Mrs Bridget Kilcoursey get House No. 7 at the price of £227.10.0.
Mrs Hopkins was called before the meeting and asked if she would take House no. 11 at the £230…
Mr Higgins was asked by the Board if he would purchase any other House instead of no. 7 and refused to do so’ (p171).
- Offer from Miss M Kelly to purchase cottage No. 8 at Galway Road for £225 accepted (p175).
-‘The tender of the Tuam electricity Co. Ltd., for the Lighting of the town of Tuam according to the terms of advertisement was accepted at the following prices viz; 45 lamps 100 candle power at £2.17.6 each, 4 lamps at Cathedral Grounds Protestant and Catholic Churches 100 c Power at £1 each, 1 all night lamp extra at £1 and Town Hall Clock all night 4.6 G.F.W. lamps for the sum of £5, all to be lighted from 15 August 1928 to 1st May 1929 and a 60 watt lamp to be put up on pole near railway crossing, Vicar St., free of charge’ (p181).
- Printed copy of Auditor’s Report pasted into the minutes (p193).
-‘That we, the Tuam Town Commissioners call upon the Land Commission to have the Strachan Estate Tuam sold forthwith and that the Fair Green be reserved for the Town Commissioners’ (235).