Tuam Poor Law Union, Board of Guardian Minutes, 1855 - 1856
-Admission of Bridget Hynes, 12 years of age, ‘inmate of the workhouse to the Roman Catholic Institute for the Deaf & Dumb’ (p28).
-Report received by Relieving Officer, from John Dunbar at the police station in Dunmore, regarding a pauper Anne Flaherty of Belmont, aged 26 years who was ‘far advanced in pregnancy by a married man named John Moran, who had been evicted off the above townland on Saturday last by Mr Waldon...I saw this woman on yesterday in a very destitute state, alone in a hut in a bog, which her mother made to shelter her, she spent last week in a hut in a tillage field, but the owner of the field destroyed it, and she was compelled to take shelter in the bog until after her confinement, an event which she states will shortly take place.
I consider this woman’s life in danger if she be left long in the hut without provisions as the inhabitants of that neighbourhood have no compassion for her. Her parents reside near her, but they are paupers also’ (p89, see also 99).
-Application for admission of an ‘illegitimate infant child named John Fox (p90).
-Two boys absconded (p126).
-Margaret Gannon given assistance to emigrate to America (p199, see also p219).
-Resolution of the Ballieborough BG was adopted, ‘That this Board is of opinion that no legislation on the subject of the removal of Irish paupers from England, will be just or satisfactory, which does not place the Irish pauper in England on the same footing and with the same privileges as the English pauper at present enjoys in ireland’ (p209).
-Tenders invited for plastering and dashing the walls of the workhouse (p239).
-‘Dr Brodie, PL Inspector, called the attention of the Board to the fact that there was no separate ward for prostitutes, and it appearing that there was no place for a separate ward at the Women’s side of the House, Dr Brodie stated that he would come to Tuam some day with a view to the selecting a site for a separate ward’ (p241, see also p251, p260).