Tuam Poor Law Union, Board of Guardian Minutes, 1872-1873
-LGB reference to the ‘well in course of being sunk at Kilconly, and to the direction of the BG that a quantity of the water be sent to Dr Cameron for analysis, and pointing out that if the water be now submitted to Dr Cameron the result of his examination will not determine the question, sufficient time not having been allowed for impure matter to find its way into the well’ (p28, see p68, p218).
-Inmate James Burke ‘got over the boundary wall’ (p47, see also p129).
-‘Communication from the Manager of St. Joseph’s Blind Asylum requesting attention to the half year’s maintenance of Timothy Monaghan due 23rd March last’ (p49, see also p69, p249).
-John Tierney, Keeper of Tuam Bridewell ‘requesting the Board to send one of his sons (a deaf and dumb boy) to the asylum...’ (p68, see also p88, p108, p148, p209, p248).
-‘The carpenter of the workhouse (Patrick Egan) having applied for an increase of wages, his present pay being 2/- per day when employed, it was agreed that his wages be increased to 2/6 per day’ (p189).
-Report from Peter Curran, Sanitary Officer, Headford, advised that the ‘premises of Pat Molloy, Hubert Moran and James Canavan residing in the town of Headford. From the very wet season the rere (sp) to their houses was flooded and their dwellings in a very damp state...’ (p258).
-RO Kelly ‘laid before the Board a notice which had been served on him of the eviction of Mr Nelly Donelon, Charles Donelan, Anthony Donelan, and Thomas Feeny, from part of the lands of [Coolflower] and from the House and offices of Mount Tully in the ED of Ballnapark. Plaintiff Robert Blake, Esq.’ (p308).
-Evictions of Laurence Mullins from lands of [Tobercarty] in ED of Tuam. Plaintiff Charles Kilkelly and Christopher Charles Blake (p348).
-Evictions of James Kealy from house and premises in town of Tuam. Plaintiff Charles Kilkelly (p348).
-Proposal to increase Relieving Officers' salary from £25 to £30 pa (p409).
-Eviction of Patrick Shaughnessy from house and premises of Ballygaddy Road, Tuam. Plaintiff William Gannon. Also Peter Flanagan, also of Ballygaddy Road. Plaintiff Michael Cloran. (p449).