Tuam Poor Law Union, Board of Guardian Minutes, 1871
-Bridget Keville and Bridget Clarke, inmates, to be summoned for throwing a loaf of bread over the boundary wall’ (p27).
-Application from Mary Hession ‘(whose husband is at present an inmate of the Fever hospital on relief by way of land, he being a pensioner at /9p per day) (p50).
-Letter from the PLC ‘relating to the children Eliza, Sara and Mary Kelly who the Guardians purpose to assist to emigrate to New York, and requesting to be informed whether the Guardians have satisfied themselves that proper arrangements have been made for the care of the children during the voyage.’
‘The Guardians beg to inform the Commissioners that the Uncle of the children has consented to go with them to Queenstown, and to give them in charge to a neighbour who will care them during the voyage’ (p128, see also p148).
-Application by Mary Kelly for the ‘admission of three children named Michael, Mary and Andrew Costello, who were left in her charge, their mother having recently gone to England, and stating that Mr Kelly is not legally bound to keep and maintain the children, and that if they be destitute the Guardians should afford them relief’ (p129).
-Eviction of James Kearns from the part of the lands of Joyce’s Park in Donaghpatrick (p168).
-Van sent for fever patient Pat Martin, Dunmore (p187).
-Two cases of small pox in Tuam Dispensary district, ‘one, a girl aged 12 in the village of Clonfush, the other a girl aged 16 at the Mills of John....the first is daughter of Michael Roche of Clonfush, the second, daughter of Fawell of John Mills’ (p198).
-Mary Glynn admitted to fever hospital ‘had on her person a sum of £7.2.6. That she hopes (being a servant who intends should she recover to emigrate to America) the Board will not charge for her maintenance’ (p227).
-‘Resolved, that this Board do not consider it necessary to appoint a Protestant Chaplain, as there are only two protestant paupers in the house, one of whom is regularly attends at Church, the third person mentioned by Dean Seymour (Dean of Tuam) is not a pauper, but a Policeman in hospital suffering from Fever’ (p248, see also p331).
-Chargeability of Bridget Geraghty to changed from Addergoole to the Union at Large (p250).
-Details regarding milk contact, and contractors bonds (pp266-269).
-‘....on Saturday morning last 24th instant, between 5 and 6 o’clock, he (the Medical Officer) saw the large gate at the entrance of the workhouse partly open, and two of the soldiers at the gate and a woman from Tuam, a prostitute with them, and she having a bunch of flowers, same as the flowers grown at the entrance to the workhouse’
‘The Master reported the case to the Sergeant Major and to the commanding Officer’ (p287).
-Patrick Mack, a policeman died in the Fever hospital (p307).
-‘The Master reported that a woman named Honor Flynn, who with her two children were admitted to the workhouse on the 14th inst., and then registered as a Protestant, that she now requested to be registered as a Roman Catholic’ (p367).
- Sewer in Headford is in ‘a very filthy bad state’ (p378).