Tuam Poor Law Union, Board of Guardian Minutes, 1870 - 1871
-Michael Ward applied for relief in the workhouse (p29).
-‘That the tender of Mr Richard Kelly, Tuam Herald office, for advertising & printing, and furnishing all forms, handbills, and printed matter that may be required for the Union...be accepted’ (p49).
-‘Read: Communication from Captain Simpson, commanding detachment 98th Regiment now station in the workhouse requesting to be informed if the BG would have any objection to his establishing a canteen in that portion of the Workhouse in which his men are quartered’ (p110, see also p129, p230, p249).
-Eviction of James Ryan from land of Ballykeagh, Ballinderry (p129).
-Eviction of Thomas Hanley from land of Caherpucka, Patrick Hanley and Patrick Fahy from part of the lands of Ballybane, of Abbey West, and Patrick Walsh from the land of Gortbeg in Ballinapak (p250).
-Includes printed statement from Peter Curran, RO, relating to ‘the destitute state of some of the parishioners in the village of Kilkiel (Kilkyle) of Revd P Conway, PP., Headford’ (p330, see also pp349-50, p369, p370, pp389-90, pp429-30).
-‘Inquest report on the death of Pat Burke, aged 72 years, ‘We find that Pat Burke died of natural causes on Saturday the 7th January 1871, and death had not been accelerated by any unlawful means, and that all due attention was paid to him by the officers of the workhouse’ (p348, see also p409).
-‘Report from Mr Fox, RO., stating that three fresh cases of small pox have occurred in Tuam...’ (p380).
-Inmate John Lawless was ‘sent to the Bridewell for knocking down at the dining hall door another inmate named John Nolan’ (p431).
-‘Take Notice that on this day fortnight I will more that the chargeability of Martin Carty be changed from Kilshanney to Foxhall or to whatever other Division he may appear to belong’ (p450, see also p491).
-‘... I will more that the chargeability of William Reynolds be changed from Levally to whatever other Division he may appear to belong’ (p450, see also p491).
-Van (mule driven) sent to Dunmore for a sick woman, Catherine Cannon (p468, see also p488, p509).
-RO reports ‘...there are two fresh cases of smallpox in the Tuam ED, and in the same street and near the same house where it broke out first. Their names and ages are as follows: Carroll aged 22, and Disken aged 20, both cases have refused hospital relief’ (p479).
-Inmate, Thomas Disken, ill during the week, and ‘on yesterday he become so violent that a strait waistcoat was put on him...’ (p508).
-Application to assist inmate ‘...Mary Gibbons and her four children to emigrate to America’ (p510, see also p529).
-Report from Medical Attendant, Dunmore, Joseph McDonnell fearing that scaraltina is ‘likely to become epidemic in this District’ (p519).