Tuam Poor Law Union, Board of Guardian Minutes, 1870
-‘Copy of Warrant issued for the removal of a man named John Lally from the parish of Liverpool to the Tuam Union’ (p8, see also p28).
-‘From the PLC conveying the Lord Lieutenants request that communication be made to the Guardians with a view to the necessary accommodation being provided in the workhouse for troops now in billet in Tuam, and requesting the Guardians will take the subject into their immediate consideration, and in the event of their complying with the request, that they will be good enough to consider the arrangements to be made for the purpose in the Establishment’ (pp28-9).
The MO, Dr Thomas [Turner] advised several areas on the male side of the workhouse could be used for this purpose, ‘... provided there was no great increase in the number of male paupers. Formerly these rooms were occupied by 216 paupers in 108 beds as dormitories. This was in the famine time when the house was crowded, and each bed had two to occupy it...’ (p29).
-The Master reported that ‘Colonel Harding 22nd Regiment inspected the dormitories of the workhouse relative to the accommodation of the troops now in Tuam...’ (p47, see also p49, p60, p68, p88, p107, pp128-9, p148, p167, pp288-9).
-Presence of second doctor required to save the life of Margaret Monahan, Caherlistrane and Margaret Dermody of Clarcan (p58).
-‘Mr Healy, RO, laid before the Board a Notice which had been served on him of the eviction of John Flaherty from a dwelling and part of the lands of Belmount in the ED of Foxhall’ (p169).
-‘ The Master reported that Mary Daly & Bridget [Crenan] who left the workhouse a few days ago, and who got clothes for their infants, (born in the House), returned again, but that they had not the clothes they received for their infants, when they were readmitted’ (p187).
-‘The Master reported that in accordance with the Order of the Board, he had Honor Flynn, an inmate of the House summoned before the Petty Sessions Court on Monday last, when she was sent to Galway Jail for one month for tearing a sheet, part of her bed clothing’ (p247, see also p347, p387).
-Report on Bridget [Neoille], Sarah Costello, and Bridge Geraghty (‘not sound in mind’) (p267).
-‘That an inmate of the workhouse named Sarah Costello received a sum of 10/’ to enable her to leave the House’ (3247).
-Copy of a Warrant issued for the removal of a man named James Waters from the parish of Liverpool to the Tuam Union’ (p369).
-‘A woman named Mary Sullivan appeared before the Board and applied for admission to the workhouse...’ (p369).
-Regarding eviction of Michael Higgins from a house in the town of Headford (p469).
-Pauper inmates named Mary Shaughnessy aged 23 years ‘stated to him (the Master) in the presence of the Matron that she (Shaughnessy) was pregnant by a man named Michael Ward aged 67 years, also a pauper inmate. That both persons have been in the workhouse for the last three years, and that the woman Shaughnessy is pretty idiotic at intervals from epileptic fits’ (p487, see also p527).
-Regarding eviction of Martin Fahy from Beagh (p488).
-Assistance for pauper inmate Anthony Gibbons ‘...to emigrate to America’ (p509).