Clifden Poor Law Union, Minute Book, 1920-21
During this period the minutes include details of correspondence from both the LGB and Dáil Eireann and instruction from DE to severe all future communication with the LGB. Also includes:-
-‘LGB mis letter mp 122/1920M
Calling attention to the series of resolutions passed by certain local authorities in Ireland repudiating the authority of the Imperial Parliament and disclosing their intention to place every obstacle in the way of existing administration under His Majesty’s Government.
Marked “Read”’ (p5).
-‘Read letter received from Dáil Éireann, dated August 1920, Labour Department relative to forming a permanent Cnciliation Board for the purpose of arriving at a settlement of such questions as advance of wages, length of working hours and other questions that may arise...’ (p22b).
-Master advised the Board that a ‘troop of the 6th Dragoon Guard commandeered the straw-house and coffin-house from Sunday the 10th inst. till Tuesday the 12th. The horses were stabled in the straw-house and the men in the coffin-house. They were supplied with turf for cooking purposes during the time they were here’ (p68).
-‘Read letter received DÉ dated 11th Oct. 1920. Following the instruction ordering a complete severance of relations with the English LGB, all Dispensary M.O.s be notified that the half yearly returns hitherto sent to that institution must be henceforth forward to this Department, and to no other body’ (p79).
-‘Read letter received from the Secretary of the Galway County Council....stating that in consequence of the stoppage by the government of the grants in aid of local taxation the County Council are unable to pay in full the demands of the BG and Rural District Council for the year ending March 1921...’ (p80).
-Letter from DÉ which confirmed a ‘report of the Commission which has sat to consider the relations between Public Bodies and the English LGB in Ireland and ordered, as from 1st October, the authority and supervision of the LG Department of DÉ be substituted for that of the English LGB.
Obedience to this Decree involves a compete severance of relations and a complete stoppage of communications with the Custom House on the part of Irish Public Bodies and the furnishing of this Department of all minutes and returns that were hitherto forwarded to the Custom House...’ (p118).
-Letter from DÉ advising that ‘Definite information has reached this Department that minutes of the proceedings of your Board and its constituent RDCs are still being forwarded to the English LGB in contravention of the Dáil Decree of the 17th of September which ordered a complete severance of relations between Irish Public Bodies and that Department of the English Government.
You are requested to write immediately to the “Chairman of the Estates and Finance Committee, Dublin Corporation” stating whether minutes are being forwarded to the enemy institution by direction of your Board and its constituent Councils....’ (p133, see also p175, p213).
- Inmate Mrs Annie Hart (p197, see also p211).
-‘...the inmate, Kate Faherty, who gave birth to an illegitimate child....’ (p197, see also p211).
-Artificial limb for Mary Connelly (aged 18) (p212).
-Clerks advises Board of search of his office by ‘RIC and two of his men (armed)....they made a thorough search and scrutiny of all the documents, minute books, etc., carrying away with them recent correspondence, circular letters, etc., received from Dáil Éíreann, and two letters, one addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Guardians, and the other to the Chairman of the District Council’ (p243).
-Inmate Peggy Gorham left the ‘, leaving her child behind her’ (p276).
-‘Proposed by Mrs Gordon
Seconded by Mr Vaughan, & unanimously agreed to
“That from today we, Sinn Féin Guardians, sever our connection with the English Local Government Board and adopt Dáil Éíreann instead’ (p278).
-‘ on Dr.s Casey of Clifden & MacDonnell of Letterfrack to resign their positions as Medical Officers of the district. We do so because of the neglect of duty, on Dr Casey’s part, in connection with the fever outbreak last May. In Dr MacDonnell’s case for leaving his district without leave’ (p358, see also p406).
-Canon McAlpine, ‘...I feel bound, in the interests of the sick poor of the Clifden Union, to express the opinion that the proposed closing of the Hospital, necessitating the removal of the sick to Galway, will be a grievance and a hardship of the first order, while it will [do] anything but tend to effect economy’ (p437).
-Summary of superannuation allowance and gratuities awarded to ‘dis-employed officers’ of the Clifden Union (p438b).
-’11 inmates viz:- Martin Coyne, John Wallace, Wm McDermot, Stephen Kearney, Martin Connolly, John Connolly, Austin Downey, Mrs Lydon, Mrs Mullen, Annie Hart and Mrs Fox were allowed clothing and bedding to the value of three pounds each (£3)...’ (p558).
-‘That clothing & bedding to the value of £3 each be allowed to Jack Conroy and Mary Conneely, on their taking their discharge’ (28 Dec 1921).
-‘That the workhouse Porter, Mr Joyce, be allowed to remain in the workhouse for the winter as he has no home to go to’ (28 Dec 1921).