Clifden Poor Law Union, Minute Book, 1898
-‘That in families where there is long continued sickness and that have one employed on the Relief Works, the privilege of having wages extended from s5/- to s8/- a week be extended also, in the case of long continued sickness, even though the family have not the numbers required in all other cases’ (p9).
-‘That the two deaf mutes Mary Conneely, aged 14, Errislanan ED, and John Conroy, aged 10 years, chargeable to Knockboy E.D. now inmates of the workhouse be sent to Cabra Institution, Dublin, and that the schoolmistress go in charge of the children, her expenses to be paid’ (p64).
-‘Miss King, Schoolmistress. reported Bridget Mannion, wards woman for abusive language...’ (p137).
-‘Referring to the price of s2/10 per stone proposed to be charged for the spraying mixture (for potatoes) stating that they understand that the Midland G. Western Railway are carrying the spraying machine and materials free of charge this year.
The LGB must be under a mistake, as this Board has already paid the MGWR Co. the sum of £7.5.9 for the carriage of the mixture and there is a further sum still due’ (p147, see also p204 & p560).
-‘Approving of the proposed payment of a sum of seventy pounds to the Clerk of the Union in consideration of the extra duties devolving on him in connection with the Relief Works’ (p242).
-Due to the financial condition of the Union, the LGB decided to ‘make a further grant of £500 to the distressed divisions of the Union to be apportioned among the highly rated divisions in the following manner…’ (p243).
-‘That an inmate named Martin Coyne against whom Mr O’Hara, PLG made some complaints a few Board meetings ago be allowed out while he conducts himself as a messenger, there being no other inmate in the House found suitable for this post’ (p449).
-Letter from Dr Loftus, Roundstone, advising of the ‘absolute necessity’ for a Dispensary House (p459).
-There are several tenders in connection with the repairs and improvements of the workhouse buildings submitted, which were referred to Mr Perry, the Guardians’ Engineer, who was specially in attendance…
Resolved: That Thomas W Little of 12 Harcourt St., Dublin, be declared Contractor for the Drainage of £188.19.10 and for the Sanitary plumbing and cooking at £356.4.0. Total amount of Mr Little’s contract £545.3.10’ (p555).
-‘Resolved that Mr Thomas Mc Williams of Clifden be declared contractor for the improvements in the Infirmary Dining Hall and structural improvements of the laundry and other parts of the workhouse building for the sum of £495’ (p555).