Galway County Council, Buildings Committee Minutes, 1902-17
- 'Your Committee beg to point out that a strong room is urgently required for the protection of the County Council ledgers and other books of a/c from fire and for the preservation of the County records. Your Committee recommend that immediate steps be taken to have such strong room accommodation provided' (15 Dec 1902, p3).
- 'Read application from Gaelic League for Grand Jury Room Town Court House, 2 hours (8 o'clock to 10 o'clock on Friday and Sunday evenings, at 10/- per month. Applicants to pay for light, restore any furniture moved each evening and close the practice at 10 o'clock sharp.
Order: granted (10 Feb 1903, p4). - 'That the Buildings Committee consider ourselves along suffering body at the hands of Mr Perry (County Surveyor) insomuch as he has neglected to remove the Royal Arms from the County Buildings, and that Mr Perry be directed to carry out the instructions previously given in this matter' (23 Dec 1903, p11).
- 'The Building Committee having inspected the Town Hall directed the Secretary to express their dissatisfaction at the dirty and insanitary state of the Building to the Supt. The Committee recommend that the Petty Sessions Office be removed from the Town Hall to the Room in the County Courthouse, opposite the Solicitors' Room, and that the present Petty Sessions office be given to Mr Hardiman (Supt. County Buildings) in exchange for the two rooms on the left going into the Main Hall of the County Buildings which are in future to be public rooms in connection with the Hall' (18 Feb 1907, p16).
- 'Acting Secretary reported that the Superintendent Mr Hardiman was arrested on 27th April and is since detained in England.
The Buildings Committee formally appoint Mrs Hardiman superintendent during her husband's absence' (1 July 1916, p26).
TeidealGalway County Council, Buildings Committee Minutes, 1902-17
StórGalway County Council Archives Services
Dáta24 September 1902 - 20 October 1917
Dáta táirgthe 1902-09-24 - 1917-10-20
Scóp agus Inneachar
Volume of handwritten minutes of the Buildings Committee meetings, held sporadically. For instance, three meetings held in early in 1909 but the next not held until January 1913, and the next in January 1915. Includes details of attendance, details of business transacted relating to the letting of the Council facilities to various clubs, such as the Gaelic League, United Irish League, Skating Club, and Badminton Club, and to the provision, repair and maintenance of office accommodation.
Generally signed by the Chairman, often Lord Killanin.
Cur síos fisiciúilBound volume
Eochairfhocail an duine Lord Killanian
NótaíAvailable by appointment. Unrestricted access. The material in this collection is available to all bona fide researchers by appointment only, and subject to the conditions of access governing the consultation of archival material at Galway County Council Archives.
Coinníollacha a rialaíonn atáirgeadhNo material may be reproduced from this collection without the written permission of the archivist, and reproductions are subject to the conditions of access.