Galway County Council, Finance Committee Minutes, 1899 - 1924
Volume of handwritten minutes of the Finance Committee meetings, initially held quarterly (with no meetings recorded for 1912 or 1913) and from 1916 generally held weekly until in circa 1921 the meetings are again held quarterly. In particular includes requests for payments for repairs to property, such as bridges, following damage in 1923 (see p339 for instance). Also includes index to many items discussed.
- 'A report was ordered to be submitted to the Council recommending that the several Unions and Rural Districts be supplied with funds equal to one fourth of their estimate' (1899-05-16).
- 'The a/cs received from the Royal Irish Constabulary in respect of expenses for conveyance of Prisoners, and under the Weights and Measures Acts and Food & Drugs Acts to 30/6/99 were laid before the Committee and examined and the Treasurer was authorised to pay same' (p5).
- 'The Committee proceeded to consider the Secretary's return showing the state of the Rate Collection, and the arrear lists of Collectors.
Colonel Nolan proposed
Mr Kelly seconded
"That the following be the procedure in future when dealing with Collectors arrear lists..."' (p14).
- 'Report to the Council (Galway County Council) relative to Rate Collection...
The total amount included in the Collectors' warrants for the year ending March 1904 was £74,990.13.10
of which total there was on the 10th November lodged to your credit £39,293.5.10...' (p26).
- 'State of Collection
The arrear sheets were submitted and Secretary is directed to
(a) strike out arrears on vacant buildings
(b) to carry forward all other arrears
The Finance Committee recommend that all Collectors who have lodged in full to this date be paid their poundage' (p33).
- Recommendation submitted to GCC relating to the roads on the Arran Islands approving '..a proposal for the repair of 100 perches of road from the Pier to the Village in the Middle Island of Arran, on receipt of same from the Rural District Council of Glaway. The County Surveyor to be instructed to have the necessary application made to the coming meeting of the District Council....' (p50).
- 'The Committee recommend:
1. That the Asylum demand be reduced by £3,281 and the County rate correspondingly reduced by 1 3/4d in the £.
2. With regard to the recent decision in the "Whelan -v- County Council" case, the Committee recommend that the damages and costs should be levied on the same areas and in the same proportion as the cost of maintaining the road on which the accident occurred...' (p54).
- 'The Finance Committee are not satisfied with the way in which these accounts for considerable sums are dealt with, and call on the County Surveyors to scrutinise them carefully and report specially as to the items (if any) due.
The Committee also dislike the practice of leaving trade accounts unpaid for long periods, and in future will insist on sanction under Section 51 being obtained for all accounts not paid within three months of the expiration of the financial half year in which goods were obtained' (p70).
- Discussion regarding the estimate of expenditure for the asylum resulted in the passing of a resolution: 'That the demand of the Asylum Committee be reduced to £52,549.4.6 to cover the cost of maintenance of the Institution, payment of loans, and £10,000, the estimated balance against the Asylum on the 1st April, 1916, and that the County Council of Galway pay £33,956.8.7 of this sum as a reasonable provision under Section 9 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, and refuse to provide any sum in excess of the said sum of £33,956.8.7' (p86).
- 'The amount of rate outstanding on the 31st December 1917 was £44,579, and there was a debit balance against the Council at their Bankers on that date of £8,134.5.6........
The Council is in a good financial position, or at least would be so if the Rate Collectors were doing their duty with even moderate diligence
Upon the whole the state of the collection shows great neglect. Only 7 collectors out of 35 had 50% collected and lodged on the 31st December.' (1918/01/12, p129).
- 'Gort Roads - Sea Wall at Kinvara. Application from co. Surveyor for authority to expand a sum of £15 to repairs damaged to Sea wall at Kinvara under Sudden Damage. Approved' (p141).
- 'Requisition for 2 new back wheels for roller £75. Approved' (1919-04-25, p152).
- 'Submitted correspondence for increased wages. Heard deputation from ITWU . After discussion the Chairman proposed: Councillor Larden seconded: That the Finance Committee recomend the County Council to adopt the following scale of payments: surface man 40/ per week ; gangers 48/ to 55/ per week ; Carters 12/6 per day ; Engine drivers 60/ per week ' flag and fire men 42/6 per week. Hours: Oct to Feb inclusive 9 am to 5 pm: March to September 8 am to 6 pm. Permanent employment to be given in town as per Co. Surveryors' recommendations. Passed' (1920/7/10, p174, see also p186, p189).
- 'It is ordered that a special meeting of the County Council be summoned for Friday the 3rd December to decide whether, under the altered circumstances which now obtain the accounts of the Council should be submitted to the Local Government Board for audit' (1920/11/27, p200).
- ' Relations with Treasurer: Secretary reported that all payments of County Council liabilities are still held up. Treasurer informed Committee that the National Bank is now prepared to go on if the rates are collected' (p208).
- 'Secretary is ordered to take his orders from the County Council in regard to all matters and not to take any action without orders of the Council' (p208).
- 'Question of Fining Collectors: Collections not closed Hobbs, Hickey, Coyne...Ordered that all Rate Collectors be ordered to have ratepayers who failed to pay the first moiety of the rates proceeded against in the Parish Courts where the sum does not exceed £10, or in the District Courts if the amount exceed £10' (p227).
- 'Letter of 5th Oct (1922) from Capt Flanagan enclosing PO 196-199-80-81-82. Order: Evidently Commdt Brennan is in possession of information not available to the Co. Council: Before the Council can act they must have evidence and ask for particulars of the men who actually destroy at night what they are paid by Co. Council to repair by day and evidence' (p251).
- 'Damaged Bridges: Order County Surveyor not to repair any bridges unless he is satisfied that the work when done will be protected by Military' (1923-03-10, p269).
- 'Co. Courthouse occupation by Military, State solicitor...The Committee inspected the building and directed a report on dilapidation, sanitary arrangements, destruction of records, furniture and equipment and the impossibility of carrying out the official work of the County efficiently under existing conditions' (p281).
- 'Purchase of Renmore House: Submitted file and letter from Mr O'Dea & P H 52880.
Order. Complete purchase; get plans approved, hold tenders, full possession including gate lodge to be obtained before completion of purchase. Letter from Mr T Wilson Lynch asking for a passage. Order. Finance Committee agree subject to sanction' (p311, see also p314, p316, p320).
- ' Clock in Courthouse: Messrs Dillon giving up clock winding. Ask Messrs Faller to quote for winding clocks' (p318).
- Printed copy of General Estimate of Rate for financial year ending 31st March 1925 pasted into volume (pp326-331).
-' Disused Workhouses: Read order of 28th January 1924 requiring Co. Council to maintain, insure and caretaker disused Union premises. Order (1) Mr Lardner to be continued as agent and to account to Co. Council' (p336).
- ' Caretaker - Renmore. Order. Sanatorium Committee to pay the caretaker' (p339).
- 'Dancing at Gort Workhouse: Submitted letter from Archbishop Cassidy. Order. Caretaker not to allow use of Workhouse for any purpose without instructions from Finance Committee' (p342).
- 'Workhouses. Gort & Mountbellew taken over from Military. Order (i) Co. Surveyor to estimate damage. (ii) Claim from Board of Works' (p345).
- 'Tuam Town Commissioners ask Council to advance £5,000 or £6,000 on mortgage for rebuilding Town Hall. Order: F.C. regret Council have no money. Refer Commissioners to the County Insurance Society' (p363).
- Staffing arrangements at the Sanatorium (p364).