County Secretary's Office / Piers & Harbours / Tiernee / Terranea, Gorumna Island Pier: 1903-1915 & 1962- 1978
Tiernee / Terranea, Gorumna Island Pier: Includes :
- 1903 - damage to platform to pier in two places - no response to OPW letters
- 1905 - OPW advised Co.Co. that Pier is being removed by boatmen for ballast, thus gradually destroying the structure
- 1906 - Co. Co. Do some work at cost of £30 - work to be completed in late 1908
- 1911 - OPW again write that report received that Pier is in bad condition both as regards the displacement of stones on the inside wall of the pier and broken state of the masonry on the top; the roadway also required repairs; would cost circa £30 - work to be completed by end November 1911
- 1977 - correspondence regarding order prohibiting removal of sand from beach at An Tra Mhoir, Teeranea, Lettermore, (order issued under Foreshore Act 1933, by Minister in 1978).