Lawrence Papers / Estate & Family Trust Business for Revd. Charles Lawrence / Correspondence between J. W. Brooks (Brighton Road, Rathgar, Dublin) and Lawrence,
TeidealLawrence Papers / Estate & Family Trust Business for Revd. Charles Lawrence / Correspondence between J. W. Brooks (Brighton Road, Rathgar, Dublin) and Lawrence,
StórGalway County Council Archives Services
Dáta táirgthe 1892-04-07
Scóp agus Inneachar
Brooks to Lawrence advising that he has no doubt the Minerva and Mars are ‘…excellent works of art, and in the course of a few days I hope to bring myself in touch with some of the men I mentioned. The first thing to be done is to ascertain whether they are Canova’s own, or from the chisel of another artist, and if so, whose. The works I have seen by Canova are less florid, but these may have been some of his earliest, before his style became fixed.
I saw the Volunteers’ Gate. As soon as it can be managed there should be a little money spent in under-pinning the lower courses. A few days work would save it from much further damage.’ (p1)
Eochairfhocail an duine Antonia Canova
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