Gort Poor Law Union: Minute Book, 16 May - 24 October 1853
- ‘Resolved that a sum of one pound be given to Ellen Cloonan and Alice Cloonan to assist them in emigrating to Bangor in America, the son of Ellen having sent them a sum of money which s not sufficient to take them out, they are at present inmates of the Workhouse and chargeable to Killeely E. Division’ (p51).
- ‘The Board accepted the tender of Matthew St George, to revise and correct the present valuation of the Union, and to attend all Appeals that may be upon the Revised Valuation at his own expense and to supply the Board with a correct and complete Book of his revision of each Electoral Division, all to be finished on or before the twentieth day of August next for the sum of Twenty pounds…’ (p71) .
- ‘The Master reports the milk continues to be sent in bad; he returned large quantities to the contractors last week, and purchased a supply in the Market’ (p266).
- Medical Officer reported that ‘general health of the inmates continues satisfactory. He begs to refer the Board to the observation he felt it his duty to make in his last report in connection with the sanitary condition of the Establishment. It is of the first importance at this particular crises to attend to the cleanliness, ventilation, diet, clothing and sewerage of the Workhouse and its inmates, with a view of maintaining them in a sound healthy state and rendering them less susceptible to the spread of epidemic disease’ (p386)