County Secretary's Office / Piers & Harbours / Rusheenamanagh Pier, Carna, 1937-1975
RUSHEENAMANAGH PIER, CARNA: correspondence, generally, between the County Manager, County Secretary & County Engineer (surveyor), and the Dept of Transport & Power & Office of Public Works, relating to the repair and upkeep of the pier.
Includes :
- 1937 details regarding improvements to the pier, such as raising and lengthening of pier, at a cost of c. £300 (Employment Scheme Vote) ; Co. Co advised it would not be prepared to make a contribution towards the cost of the improvement of the Pier, but on completion of the restoration works would be prepared to undertake the future maintenance of the Pier; works completed by April 1938 @ £293.15.1 ; allegations that the pier was of little value as landings could only be made at high water.
- correspondence regarding regularising the occupation of the state-owned foreshore involved - Section 3(3) of Foreshore Act 1933
- 1960 - Co.Co authorized contribution of £250 towards cost of improvement work ; total cost of works £1,500 ; signed & seal agreement between Co.Co & Commissioners of Public Works relating to improvement works
Many letters from c. 1974 are written in Irish.