Ffrench Papers: Robert Joseph Ffrench (17?? - 1831), Tenant and General Estate Management, Rahasane, 1812-1820, Letter from George Reilly and Co., Derryfrench (Bracklagh, Loughrea) to Ffrench, 1814
Letter from George Reilly and Co., Derryfrench (Bracklagh, Loughrea) to Ffrench, stating: 'Pardon the liberty we take of troubling you. However with these few lines which your honourable tenants on the lands of Derryfrench and Derrybeg was to get [ ] leave from the bog of Doolagh to draw home their turf. The Duffys and Ryans leave theretofore got their leases from your honourable late worthy Father of part of the lands of Derryfrench leading from the road to the bog of Doolagh being the passage from your honours tenants to draw home their turf which cost your honourable Father some trouble after until he brought them to rights. The passage for drawing home their turf was settled on by your Honourable late worthy Father, Mr Burke of Ballyduggan and Mr Burke of Spring garden, at Spring garden house and was inserted on the back of Ryans lease which we have been informed said lease was lost or mislaid and that your Honour is to give Ryan another lease and hopes your Honour will order to have passage through said lands for your Honours tenants at Derryfrench to draw home their turf at all times…’.