O'Rorke Estate, Tuam and Tuam Waterworks, 1890
File of material relating to a case between O'Rorke and Tuam Waterworks regarding compensation due to the decease in land value resulting from drainage works, includes, memorandum from J. L. Devenish-Meares to Mr Fry & Son 14, Lower Mount Street, Dublin advising that 'In addition to the money compensation £753.7.6 claimed I advise that the Guardians be required (1) to construct the works at the well or intake so that the maximum supply of 80,000 gallons and no more per 24 hours can only be abstracted by them. (2) That the preferential supply to be given through a pipe 1 inch in internal diameter shall have an unimpeded and instance flow through the accommodation well into the existing water course so as to afford a supply for cattle on that part of the lands. (3) All trees cut down or injured to be paid for. (4) Access to the Works to be strictly confined to the width of land purchased' (13 June 1890).
Also includes joint report of Edward Townsend and J L Devenish-Meares advising that the sum of £753.7.6, as expended in the report, should be 'paid in addition to the amount already awarded by Mr Murphy, the Arbitrator'. (12 June 1890)