Irish Volunteers, Galway City Corps Minutes, 1914
Notebook with handwritten Committee minutes recording attendance, and business transacted, signed by the Chairman. Items discussed include election of officers, such as that of Dr. Walsh as Secretary (3 July 1914), collection of funds, such as for equipment, and training, such as target practice and drills. Includes at rear of volume rough [draft] of Manifesto of Committee of Galway City Corps relating to its original constitution.
Includes resolution of 12 August 1914, ‘That we, the members of the Committee of the Galway City Volunteers hereby cordially approve and heartily endorse the statesmanlike speech of Mr John E. Redmond in which he offered the services of the Irish Volunteers for home defence during the present crises and express the hope that both the Ulster and Irish Volunteers will cordially unite and cooperate for the purpose of defending Ireland against foreign aggression’.
Includes Notice of Motion of 18 September 1914 'That notwithstanding the opinions expressed by inspecting officers of the Irish Volunteers or by other people no matter how high their estimation in Irish Public Opinion, the Committee of the Galway City Corps of the Irish Volunteers is of opinion that the volunteers under its jurisdiction should abide by the constitution originally laid down for the Volunteers and arm and equip themselves for the one purpose of securing and maintaining the rights and liberties common to all Irishmen'.
Includes several insertions including a quotation from Thomas McDonogh & Sons for ’60 wooden guns’ (8 September 1914).
Members of Council: Allen, M J ; Barrett ; Carter, J; Cusack; Duffy Luke (Chairman); Flaherty, W; Flanagan, T; Glynn; Hardiman, F.; Hosty, J.; Hynes, T.; Loftus, P.; Meagher, Captain.; Nicolls, G.; O'Malley, C.; O'Neil, J.; Pringle, J.; Redington, James; Ussher, Patrick; Walsh Dr (Secretary).