Staunton, Lynch, Charles Rushworth
File of material relating to Lynch Staunton’s malicious damage compensation claim where the Irish Grants Committee were authorised ‘to award compensation to British subjects resident or carrying on business in Ireland who have suffered loss by reason of their pre-truce loyalty’ (19 January 1929). The file includes estimate for restoration of house (Clydagh House, Headford, onshore of Lough Corrib) (1924), architect’s report (1923), witness’s statements (1924), and a transcript of Circuit Court proceedings (1925).
The material may have been accumulated to assist Solicitors raise a counter-appeal against the Free State’s successful High Court appeal on 16th July 1925 which resulted in a reduction of the amount awarded by the Circuit Court to the claimant on 10th December 1924.
The claimant, a ‘well known loyalist’, incurred much hostility in the early 1920s. He was attacked on one occasion by about 100 men who threatened to drown him for refusing to wave a Sinn Fein Flag, his home on the shores of Lough Corrib was raided for guns (September 1922), and subsequently destroyed by fire (January 1923). As a result he ‘lost the use of the residence and a valuable Demesne of about 300 acres...’ (Irish Grants Committee Claim).
See File CO 762/166/22 at The National Archives, UK.