Waste Prevention
- Other relevant links
- Household Waste Collection
- Backyard Burning and Bonfires
- Bogus waste collectors
- Bring Banks
- End of Life Vehicles
- Farm Plastic Waste
- Food Waste
- Food Waste Charter For Ireland
- Movement of Hazardous Waste
- Plastic Bag Levy
- Civic Amenity Sites
- Regulation of waste collectors & facilities
- Waste Batteries
- Waste Management Bye Laws 2019
- Waste Prevention
- WEEE - Disposal Of Electrical Waste
- Connacht Ulster Waste Region
- National Waste Management Plan 2024-2030
- Composting
- Recycling
- Repairmystuff.ie
- Furniture and other Bulky Goods Disposal
- WEEE (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment)
- Smart Garage Guide
- Textiles
Welcome to Galway County Council's waste prevention page. This page aims to introduce waste prevention and what you can do in the home or in the workplace to contribute to successful waste prevention.
July 2022
It is generally accepted that the excessive generation of waste is bad for the environment and therefore we should try to prevent waste as much as possible. This will limit excessive resource use and will assist in reducing environmental damage.
What is Waste Prevention?
Waste prevention is preferred to any other waste management option. Waste prevention is based on either not creating waste in the first place or secondly extending the life span of a product or material through reuse.
Waste prevention is top of the waste management hierarchy. There are lots of ways we can reduce our waste and with simple changes we really can make a difference.
Tips for waste prevention
- Preventing waste at source is the best option – be aware of what waste you create.
- Think before you buy - Do you really need it?
- Consider repair before you throw items away.
- Compost organic material and divert up to 33% of your waste
- Avoid packaging where possible.
- Buy in bulk where possible to further reduce packaging.
- Replace plastic wrap such as cling film with a reusable container.
- Use rechargeable batteries.
- Plan meals and use a list when shopping.
- Reuse leftover food.
- Use reusable shopping bags
- Use reusable bottles, flasks, cups and cutlery.
Waste Prevention is to the forefront of all waste management messages and community based environmental initiatives promoted by Galway County Council to reflect that.
www.mywaste.ie/business/ is a resource which aims to provide information required to implement good environmental practices in the workplace that will not only assist in improving environmental performance but should also help to save some money. Environmental improvements can be achieved by employing best practice techniques in efficiency and resource use. This can be achieved relatively simply by studying and monitoring the consumption of resources during a specific period and quantifying the business outputs at the same time.
Based on studies carried out by the Clean Technology Centre Cork, on average wasted food costs each Irish household €700 a year. For some households this can be over €1,000!
Click here for leaflet on Waste Prevention at Home or www.stopfoodwaste.ie for more advice on food waste prevention.
Further Information at mywaste.ie
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