Transboundary (EIA) Public Consultation Dalradian Gold Mine Project Development
Fri, 28 Feb 2025 16:52:00 GMT
Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Public Consultation – Dalradian Gold Mine Project development, located in County Tyrone on the southern edge of the Sperrin Mountains
On 30 January 2025, the Minister for Housing, Local Government & Heritage, received notification from the Northern Ireland Department for Infrastructure (DfI) in relation to development consent applications concerning the proposed Dalradian Gold Mine Project and an invitation to participate in transboundary EIA consultation in relation to it. The environmental screening process identified potential transboundary issues for Ireland relating to the River Finn.
Subsequently, on 20 February 2025, following consultation with relevant subject matter experts on the potential transboundary impacts of the proposed development, the Minister accepted the invitation to participate in transboundary EIA consultation. This public consultation is being held in accordance with article 132 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 – 2024.
Why is this consultation being undertaken?
In accordance with the provisions of the 1991 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (“the Espoo Convention”), transboundary States are required to engage in transboundary consultation, including with members of the public, in respect of projects likely to have significant effects on the environment of neighbouring States as part of the environmental impact assessment of a proposed development. For this purpose, the transboundary State in whose territory the project is intended to be carried out is required to send to the affected State, no later than when informing its own public, a description of the project and any available information on its possible transboundary impact.
As noted above, the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage recently received information in the form of a letter of notification dated 30 January 2025 from DfI, relating to three applications for development consent concerning the proposed Dalradian Gold Mine Project development that are now under consideration in the NI planning process. These consist of one mine application concerning planning permission for underground valuable minerals mining and exploration and two powerline applications concerning the construction of a 33kV overhead line and underground cable to provide an electrical connection for the mine development. The Mine in question is located in County Tyrone, approximately 15 km northeast of the town of Omagh, 7 km east of the village of Gortlin and between the settlements of Rouskey and Greencastle on the southern edge of the Sperrin Mountains
The DfI, Northern Ireland has determined that the proposed development requires an environmental impact assessment and consequently environmental statements on the above applications have been published. The initial screening exercise determined that the proposed development may have transboundary environmental impacts in Ireland concerning the River Finn which flows into County Donegal.
Further to the three applications detailed above, DfI in their notification of 30 January, also provided links to five other applications related to this project which members of the public are free to review and consider in terms of making submissions. Links to these applications are provided below.
Environmental Assessment
The letter of 30 January 2025 provides details of where further information on the proposed development can be found on the NI DfI and planning portal websites – see also links provided under “How to participate” below.
How to Participate
All documentation related to the development consent application for the proposed development, including additional or amending documentation accepted at the discretion of the DfI, is available to view on the DfI or NI planning portal websites at:
Additionally, links to five other applications included in the notification from DfI are set out below:
Members of the public may wish to visit the Donegal County Council public consultation portal to view correspondence from the DfI, digital copies of extracts from the applicant’s Environmental Statement; associated documents and links provided by the DfI to the full Environmental Statement and all other documentation relating to the development consent application for the proposed development.
The public consultation notice should also be available to view in the office of the Planning Section of each local authority nationwide during office hours, by appointment if required.
A copy of these documents are available for inspection, or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, during office hours at the office of each local authority nationwide. Links to all documents will also be made available online by each local authority. Please contact your local authority for further details.
Making submissions or observations
Submissions or observations should be made directly to the Planning Inspectorate UK at
Deadlines for submissions or observations
The public consultation period is open from 26 February 2025. The deadline for the receipt of written submissions or observations under this transboundary consultation process is close of business on 23 April 2025 at the latest. The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage will not accept submissions or observations in relation to the project.
Documents are available via the Donegal County Council Consultation Portal.
What happens next
Submissions are made directly to the DfI, therefore neither the Department nor any planning authorities will be receiving submissions. Submissions will be reviewed on their end and terms and conditions and further information on their processes can be found on their website.
Contact Details
Any queries in relation to this transboundary EIA consultation should be directed to Donegal County Council. See contact details below:
Planning Section
Donegal County Council
County House,
Co. Donegal
F93 Y622
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