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NPPR Charge
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Expiry of Non-Principal Private Residence (NPPR) liability and charge on property
The NPPR charge applied from 2009 to 2013 to any residential property in which the owner did not reside as their normal place of residence. The self-assessed charge was set at €200 per annum and relevant late payment fees applied.
Unpaid NPPR charge and associated late payment fees became a charge on property applying for their own 12-year period, measurable from the liability date. Therefore, outstanding NPPR
liabilities and payments remained payable to the relevant local authority for a period of 12 years.
NPPR liabilities from 2009 to 2013 and remaining unpaid have been expiring each year since 2021. Liability for NPPR charges and late payment fees and any associated charge on a property expire completely after 31 March 2025. A vendor will no longer have to provide a certificate of
discharge or exemption in order to sell their property, after 31 March 2025.
The NPPR Charge applies to residential properties which are not used by the owner /s as his/her principal private or main residence e.g rental properties/holiday homes etc. The fact that a residential property is not occupied does not constitute an exemption fron this charge. The charge is levied on the ownership of property and not on occupancy. The liability period for the charge was between 2009-2013 but the charge including late payment fees still applies to liable properties which were not registered during that period and also to accounts with arrears that were not discharged. The charge was abolished by the Government at the end of 2013 to be replaced by the Local Property Tax.
Details of the NPPR charge including the list of exemptions can be located by accessing the website www.nppr.ie ( click on FAQs )
Payment Details: Payment of any outstanding full liability can be made by accessing www.nppr.ie – click on New Customer-Create Account ( Please note that your PPS number is required ) Your can also download the 2013 NPPR New Registration Form ( see link below ) and post it with the payment to either NPPR, P.O Box No 11654, Dublin 8 or NPPR Section, Galway County Council, Aras an Chontae, Prospect Hill, Galway.
Full details are provided by the Local Government (Charges) Act 2009
Payment of any arrears on an existing NPPR account can be made by accessing www.nppr.ie – click on Existing Customer ( Please note that if you have lost your PIN- click on the Lost Pin Button) Your can also download the 2013 NPPR Renewal Form ( see link below ) and post it with the payment to either NPPR, P.O Box No 11654, Dublin 8 or NPPR Section, Galway County Council, Aras an Chontae, Prospect Hill, Galway.
Forms 2013 NPPR New Customer Registration Form
Contact Details: Galway County Council- contact details in regard to the NPPR charge.
Telephone: 091-509241, 091-509102
e-mail: nppr@galwaycoco.ie
Letter: NPPR, Finance Dept, Galway County Council, Aras an Chontae, Prospect Hill, Galway.
Appeals Process: If you wish to make an appeal/complaint in regard to any aspect of the NPPR charge which affects you - you can do so:
- By Post: by submitting it in writing to The Administrative Officer, Finance Section, Galway County Council, Aras an Chontae, Prospect Hill, Galway or
- By e-mail: to customersservices@galwaycoco.ie
If you are not happy with the response it will be referred to a nominated senior officer within the Finance Section who was not directly involved in the original decision.
If you remain unhappy with this response- you can contact the Office of the Ombudsman at :
Office of the Ombudsman,
Lower Leeson Street,
Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-6395600 Lo Call 01-6395674
E-Mail ombudsman@ombudsman.gov.ie
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