Drones Policy
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This Data Protection policy defines Galway County Council’s commitment to the use of Drones that is compliant with Data Protection/GDPR requirements and with the EU regulations and IAA guidance on the use of Drones. Drones (UAS – Unmanned Aircraft Systems) that are guided remotely by a pilot maybe used by Galway County Council for a number of purposes which may involve the recording of personal data of individuals including their recognisable images. Galway County Council is obliged to protect such data in accordance with provisions contained in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into effect on 25th May 2018 and the Data Protection Act 2018. Galway County Council’s Data Protection Policies are available to view on the Council’s website www.galway.ie.
The use of drones will be conducted in a professional, ethical and legal manner within the terms of this policy and the law. Their usage will be proportionate and will not be used to routinely monitor the activities of council employees or members of the public in the ordinary course of their lawful business. Their use will be conducted in a manner consistent with all existing policies adopted by the Council, including Equality & Diversity Policy, Dignity at Work Policy, Codes of Practice for dealing with complaints of Bullying & Harassment and Sexual Harassment and other relevant policies and guidelines such as those issued by the Office of the Data Commissioner.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the Data Commissioner Guidance on the use of Drones and the Guidance of the Council's Insurers IPB, in this area. In addition, there are specific statutory requirements related to registration and other requirements depending on the type of drones used and the nature of use. More information is available at https://www.iaa.ie/general-aviation/drones
The policy document and supporting appendicies can be viewed by clicking on the links below:
Appendix 2 IPB Guide to Managing the Risk of Drones
Appendix 3 DRPRO Pre Flight Checklist
Appendix 4 Internal request form for access to drone footage
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