Web Accessibility Statement
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- Web Accessibility Statement
- Stéibh 2016
Galway County Council is committed to providing information and services that are accessible to all. The site is designed in accordance with the W3C WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and conforms to most priority 1 and 2 checkpoints.
Alternative formats
New HTML content published to the site is published in accessible format. Some documents are published in PDF, Microsoft Word or other formats. If you require information in an alternative format please use our online contact form.
Technical features of this site
We use cascading style sheets to enhance the visual look of this site and offer a "text-only" style to assist persons with visual impairments.
You may increase and decrease font size using your browser settings.
Many pages on this site can be read aloud to you by clicking on the "Listen" icon.
Known Issues with this site
Some pages of this site are not fully compliant with all WAI priority 1 and 2 checkpoints. In some cases this is due to technical limitations, for example, it is not feasible to create an accessible format of a map.
Some documents within our site are only available in Portable Document Format (PDF) and/or Microsoft Word Format (DOC). Neither of these formats meet the required standard.
Some elements of this site are provided by partner organisations and may not be fully accessible. We are working with these organisations to improve the accessibility and language standards of the services they provide on our behalf.
Whilst every effort has been made to provide an accessible site we acknowledge that we may have failed to fully live up to our obligations in every case. We welcome feedback on these items and will provide assistance in delivering information in alternative formats.
Maintaining accessibility of this site
Galway County Council is committed to maintaining and monitoring the accessibility of this website. The site is audited at regular intervals.
To help deliver and maintain an accessible website we provide training and publish internal guidelines to our staff to help them create accessible web content.
The training and guidelines cover issues such as
- Creating user friendly web content
- Writing meaningful alternative text
- Creating accessible tables
- Creating accessible link phrases
- Testing publications for accessibility
Please let us know if you encounter any problems.
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