N59 Kentfield
- Other relevant links
- N67 South of Ballinderreen Cycleway
- N59 Kentfield
- Athenry Northern Ring Road
- N63 Liss to Abbey Realignment Scheme
- N17 Milltown to Gortnagunned Realignment
- N83 Dunmore Rural Regeneration Scheme
- IAPS Eradication
- M6 Service Area
- M17 M18 Gort to Tuam Scheme
- N59 Clifden to Maam Cross
- N59 Maigh Cuilinn Bypass
- R336 Bearna to Scríb
N59 Kentfield Road Safety Junction Improvement Scheme
The proposed scheme has been assessed under the AM-STY-06044 Road Safety Inspection and was identified as a Type B, Road Safety Inspection Scheme (RSIS). It was considered as a site having road safety problems needing further assessment to identify a treatable engineering solution. Galway County Council endeavour to implement an engineering solution designed by the Engineering Department in National Roads Project Office. The design has incorporated TII design standards and technical guidance to develop a scheme that is fit for purpose and satisfies the schemes objectives.
The proposed development will consist of the construction of approx. 245m section of the N59 and approx. 50m section of L-5381, which includes a new improved junction layout with L-5381/N59. The works will consist of online realignment works, with associated drainage, including underground settlement & attenuation tank, fencing, kerbs, footpath, signage, and all site development and landscaping works, utility diversion works, landowner accommodation works, and other ancillary road works in the townlands of Kentfield and Gortacleva in County Galway.
Safety Scheme Objectives
The primary objectives of the scheme are identified below:
- To address deficiencies in terms of alignment, cross-section width, curvature and visibility thereby improving the consistency, accessibility and safety of the junction and carriageway on the N59,
- Provide an improved section of road that is ‘fit for purpose’ for contemporary needs and is consistent with contemporary design standards,
- To improve the safety standards and reduce collision risks by developing a design to contemporary standards including improving and standardising direct private accesses, providing a forgiving roadside, and providing appropriate safety systems where required,
- Provide passively safe boundary fences and walls throughout the scheme, replacing like for like to areas where boundaries are moved or set back,
- To provide safer and more efficient accessibility to the N59 route for the local community accommodated along this section and to minimise disturbance and severance impacts to both residential and agricultural holdings,
- To improve facilities for vulnerable road users (longer term).
Planning Permission
Galway County Council intends to seek the approval of An Bord Pleanála under Section 177AE of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended) to carry out a Road Safety Junction Improvement Scheme plus associated works on the N59 & L-5381 in the townlands of Kentfield and Gortacleva, Co. Galway.
A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared as part of the application for approval in respect of the proposed development.
An Bord Pleanála may give approval to the application for development with or without conditions or may refuse the application for development.
A copy of the plans and particulars of the proposed development and the Natura Impact Statement are available to view on this page.
Compulsory Purchase Order
Galway County Council Compulsory Purchase Order No. 1/2024 (Physical Development) for N59 Kentfield Road Safety Junction Improvement Scheme.
Galway County Council(hereinafter referred to as “the local authority”) in exercise of the powers conferred upon them by Section 76 of the Housing Act, 1966, and the Third Schedule thereto, as extended by Section 10 of the Local Government (No. 2) Act, 1960 as substituted by Section 86 of the Housing Act, 1966 as amended by Section 6 and the Second Schedule to the Roads Act, 1993 and as amended by the Planning and Development Acts, 2000 (as amended) has made an order entitled as above which is about to be submitted to An Bord Pleanála for confirmation. If confirmed, the order will authorise the local authority to acquire compulsorily the land and wayleave described in Part I, II & III of the Schedule hereto, for the purpose of the construction of the N59 Kentfield Road Safety Junction Improvement Scheme plus associated works on the N59 & L-5381 in the townlands of Kentfield & Gortacleva in County Galway.
Attached Documents:
CEO N59 Screening for Appropriate Assessment
Appropriate Assessment (Natura Impact Assessment)
CEO N59 Screening for Environmental Impact Assessment
N59 Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Report
Ecological Impact Assessment Report
Hydrology and Drainage Assessment
Impact Assessment Report on Cultural Heritage
Impact Assessment Report on Cultural Heritage (Addendum)
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