Road Opening Licence
- Other relevant links
- Road Opening Licence
- Special Permit for Abnormal Loads
- Hoarding & Scaffolding Licence
- Extinguishment of a Public Right of Way
- Abandonment of a Public Road
- Declaration of a road to be a public road
A Road Opening Licence is required if an individual/contractor wishes to excavate a section of public road, i.e. carriageway/footway and associated grass verge.
Road Opening Licence applications are now processed via a National Online Road Licensing system called MRL (Maproad Roadworks Licensing) which is managed and supported by the Roads Management Office (RMO) countrywide.
From the 1st December 2018, all applications for road opening licences in County Galway, must be made via the RMO website which can be accessed by using the following link:
From this date paper based applications will no longer be accepted by Galway County Council.
To register on the MRL system for the first time please click here.
User Guides for common procedures in MapRoad Licensing are available here
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