Section 254 Licences
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- Section 254 Licences
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What requires a licence?
You will need a licence from a planning authority to place on, under, over or along a public road the following items or equipment:
- a vending machine,
- a town or landscape map for indicating directions or places,
- a fence, scaffold or hoarding,
- an advertisement structure,
- a cable, wire, or pipeline,
- over ground electronic communications infrastructure and any associated physical infrastructure such *as a telephone pole or cabinet,
- a telephone kiosk or pedestal, or
- any other appliance, apparatus or structure specified in regulations made by the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government or by an Act of the Oireachtas that requires a licence.
How to apply
Outdoor Seating:
Section 254 Licences for outdoor seating are annual and must be applied for each calendar year and accompanied by current documents.
The following information/documentation will be required with any application:
- Completed Section 254 application form (available on our website: )
- Relevant fee – please contact to calculate correct fee.
- Details of the nature of the business and the need for outdoor seating and apparatus.
- Details of your public liability insurance indemnifying Galway County Council and stating that the area for outdoor seating is included.
- Full details of treatment of the area that you wish to apply for the licence. This shall include:
- a limited area outside your business depending on the need and case made.
- boundary treatment.
- number of tables/chairs to be provided (No structures can be placed on the footpath).
- Letters of approval/consent from the adjoining businesses/ building stating that they have no objection to same.
Please note:
- Incomplete applications will be invalidated and returned to applicant.
- Applications cannot proceed until payment is received.
- A condition of all licences requires the removal of all structures outside of business hours.
- Seating on footways is not permitted.
All applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, on their merits and in conjunction with the relevant Area Office.
Licences are only issued for seating on public property. Seating on private property must have the permission of the landowner and planning permission may be required.
The local authority decision may be appealed to An Bord Pleanála:
Section 254 "Street Furniture" Licence Appeals | An Bord Pleanála (
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Finger post signs:
Section 254 Licences for outdoor seating are annual and the fee must be paid to keep the licence active. Unpaid fees may result in removal of the fingerpost sign.
- Completed Section 254 application form (available on our website: ) accompanied by:
- Site location map - 1/2500 scale.
- Road/junction name of preferred location of fingerpost sign.
- Appropriate fee.
Please note:
- Incomplete applications will be invalidated and returned to applicant.
- Applications cannot proceed until payment is received.
- A separate application is required for each individual sign.
- All applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, on their merits and in conjunction with the Area Office.
A sign will either be on a public road/footpath or on private property.
Any sign on a public road/footpath will require a license from Galway County Council.
Private property:
Certain signs erected within the premises boundary of a business are exempt.
- Certain signs attached to business premises are exempt.
- Certain other signs are exempt from planning i.e., auctioneers’ signs, temporary signs for circuses, etc.
- A sign in a field on its own is not exempt.
Please see exempt advertisement signs as set out in Part 2, Schedule 2, Planning & Development Regulations 2001.
Specifications for signs:
- All signs to be manufactured in accordance with current Department of the Environment standards specified for the construction of traffic signs.
- Signs shall be of fingerpost type only, measuring 1000mm (max length) x 312mm. Where necessary script may be condensed to 70% of its normal width to comply with this length restriction.
- The basic design will conform to the normal design for traffic signs and will feature white legend, borders, arrows, and chevrons on a brown background. The shade of brown recommended in 411 of BS381C ‘middle brown’.
- Signs shall be purchased by the owner of the premises to be advertised and shall comply with the foregoing specifications.
- Galway County Council will erect a pole at suitable road junctions and will erect signs on receipt from approved applications. Signs for more than one premises may be erected by the Council on the same pole.
- Signs will not be licensed unless the premises to be advertised and the use of such premises for the purpose advertised has been authorised by permission under the Planning Acts or unless the premises does not require a grant of planning permission by virtue of the provisions of the Planning Acts or Regulations made thereunder.
The system for finger post signs, which relate to premises, and are located away from major routes, will operate on the following basis:
- A single pole will be allowed at the road junction apart from any County Council statutory directional sign.
- A maximum of 4 no. signs shall be allowed on each pole.
- No establishment may have more than one fingerpost sign.
- The establishment shall be within 8 km of the location of the sign.
- Signage in the Gaeltacht area shall be in the Irish language.
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