Galway County Development Plan 2009-2015
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Adoption of the County Galway Development Plan 2009-2015
Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended
Notice is hereby given, under Section 12 (2) of the above Act that Galway County Development Plan 2009 – 2015 was adopted by the members of Galway County Council on 06th April 2009 and will come into effect on 3rd May 2009. Notice is also given under article 13 I of the Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations 2004, that a Strategic Environmental Assessment Statement (Information on Decision) has been prepared.
Copies of the Plan and the Strategic Environmental Assessment Statement (Information on Decision) are available for inspection at the following locations;
Planning Department, Galway County Council, County Buildings, Prospect Hill, Galway and at the Galway County Council area offices and libraries during normal office hours.
GCDP Pre Variations 03.05.09
1. GCDP 2009-2015 - SEA Statement
2. GCDP 2009-2015 - Traveller Accommodation Programme
3. GCDP 2009-2015 Design Guidelines for the Single Rural House
4. GCDP 2009-2015 Record of Protected Structures
GCDP PreVariation 03.05.09 Support Documents
1. Environmental Report of the GCDP SEA
4. Appropriate Asssessment Report
5 Landscape Character Assessment
6 Landscape Character Assessment MapsFigures
7 Landscape Character Assessment VALUES
8. GCC Clustered Housing Design Guidelines
GCDP PreVariations 030509 MAPS
Varation No. 1 - Section 2 Core Strategy & Spatial Planning 21/07/2011
Appendix A-Table B Hard Infrastructure Capacity
Appendix B- Table A Core Strategy Table
Varied Section 2- Adopted Core Strategy and Spatial Planning with Text Changes
1. CSM Core Strategy Map - Variation No. 1 21.07.2011
2. SP1 Regional Context - Variation No. 1
3. SP2 Infrastructure Transport Corridors - Variation No. 1
4. SP3 Economic Engine Corridors - Variation No.1
5. SP4 County Context - Variation No. 1
6. SP5 Gateway context - Variation No. 1
Variation No. 1 - Section 3 Settlement Strategy
1 Section 3 Settlement Strategy
1 SS1 Population DensityVariation1
2 SS2 Settlement Hierarchy Variation1
Variation No. 1 Support documents - July 2011
1. Natura Impact Statement of Proposed Variation No. 1
2. SEA Statement of Proposed Variation No. 1
3. SEA Report of Proposed Variation No. 1
4. Non Technical Summary of Proposed Variation No. 1
Variation no 2 to Include a Wind Energy Strategy to the CGDP 26/09/2011
County Galway Wind Energy Strategy 2011-2016
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