Development Management
- Other relevant links
- Planning Contact Details
- Forms, Leaflets, Downloads & Fees
- Online Planning Systems
- Residential Zoned Land Tax
- Planning Application Process
- Planning Fee Calculator
- CDP Review
- Development Plans and Policy
- Development Management
- Building Control
- Architectural Conservation
- Planning Enforcement
- Short Term Letting
- Weekly Planning Lists
What do we do?
1. Develop medium to long term plans for the County and local areas through consultation with the public. This ensures that development is planned in accordance with the principles of good planning, sustainability and national guidelines.
2. Make planning decisions based on the above mentioned plans.
3. Investigate and prosecute unauthorised development where necessary
4. Promote the identification, protection, preservation and enhancement of the heritage of County Galway.
Where to find us?
Planning & Sustainable Development Unit,
Ground Floor,
Áras an Chontae,
Prospect Hill, Galway H91 H6KX
There is a public counter for:
- General queries
- Submitting New Planning Applications
- Ordering & Viewing a Planning File
The public counter is open to any person to view a planning file, old or new. New planning applications can be viewed in the planning office from the day of receipt and are scanned onto our website within 2 weeks (see planning query system). Due to storage capacity planning files usually older than 4 months must be ordered in advance to view at the public counter, if ordering a file a €20 charge is applicable . Phone 091 509308 or email to order a planning file.
Commenting on a Planning Application (Submission/Observation)
It is open to any person to comment on a planning application. Comments should be made in writing within 5 weeks of the planning application being lodged with the Planning Office and there is a €20.00 fee payable.
Submissions/Observations on both Online and Hard Copy planning applications can be made in writing and submitted by any of the following methods:
- Making a Submission to a planning application online (before 11:59pm on last day) OR
- Email to (before close of business) OR
- Post OR
- By submitting them at the Planning Counter (before close of business)
A fee of €20.00 is applicable. Payment can be made by cheque/postal order or by credit/debit card over the telephone upon receipt of the submission in the office. Please check the submission closing date and allow sufficient time for receipt of same.
Appealing a Decision of The Planning Authority
The planning applicant, any person who made a written comment on the planning application or an adjoining landowner (if granted leave to appeal) can appeal a decision if they so wish to An Bord Pleanála within 4 weeks from the date that the Planning Office made the decision. To contact An Bord Pleanála log onto their website at or phone 1890 275 175 (Lo-call) or (01) 858 8100.
Development Contributions
Circular PL 07-2024 DCS Year End deadlines
Adopted Development Contribution Scheme 2016 (Revised 2019)Adopted Development Contribution Scheme 2016 (Revised 2019)
Notice is hereby given that Galway County Council has adopted a revised Development Contribution Scheme for the County of Galway in accordance with the provisions of Section 48 of the Planning & Development Act, 2000, as amended. This Scheme was adopted on the 29 February 2016.
The Development Contribution Scheme is available during normal office hours at Galway County Council Area Offices, Local Libraries and at the Planning Section, Galway County Council, Áras an Chontae, Prospect Hill, Galway. The Scheme is also available on Galway County Council’s website at
Explanatory Memorandum - Draft Dev Cont Scheme 2016
Previous Development Contribution Scheme:
Adopted Development Contribution Scheme 2016
Adopted Development Contributions Scheme 2010
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