Solvent Directive
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- Air Emission Licence
- Air Quality
- Solvent Directive
- Solid Fuel Regulations
The Solvents Regulations (Installations and Activities using Organic Solvents) S.I. 565 of 2012 govern the operation of a number of activities, principally dry cleaners and vehicle refinishers.
These regulations provide measures and procedures to be implemented for certain activities in order to prevent or reduce the direct and indirect effects of emissions of VOCs into the environment, mainly into air and the potential risks to human health.
Current list of approved Dry Cleaners and Installations under these regulations
Register of Dry Cleaners & Installations
Best Practice Guidelines for Dry Cleaning
European Union (Paints, Varnishes, Vehicle Refinishing Products and Activities)
Regulations, 2012 S.I. 564 of 2012
These regulations limit the total content of volatile organic compounds in certain paints and varnishes and vehicle refinishing products, in order to prevent or reduce air pollution resulting from the contribution of volatile organic compounds to the formation of tropospheric ozone.
Current list of approved Vehicle Refinishers under these regulations
Current List of Approved Vehicle Refinishers
Current List of Approved Vehicle Refinishers
Best Practice Guidelines for Vehicle Refinishing- Video
Best Practice Guidelines for Vehicle Refinishing
Contact Point
Contact Person: Ann Dolan, Executive Scientist
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