Tuam Regeneration
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The Tuam Regeneration Masterplan was delivered under the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund and Galway County Council. The plan seeks to address the social, economic, cultural and environmental opportunities and challenges within Tuam and incorporate them into a comprehensive Regeneration Plan. The Plan was endorsed by Members of the Tuam Municipal District on 12th April 2021.
The Regeneration Masterplan identifies a series of aspirational proposals which are compatible and complementary within the current planning framework of the town. The proposals will enable a phased approach to the application for future funding and investment opportunities available to Tuam.
The Tuam Regeneration Masterplan and supporting documentation is available for public inspection to view online and by appointment only in exceptional circumstances at Tuam Area Office, Galway County Council, High Street, Tuam, Galway H54 F627, between the hours of: 9.00am–1.00pm, 2.00pm–5.00pm Monday to Friday under Covid Restrictions.
AA Determination Tuam Masterplan
SEA Determination Tuam Masterplan
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