Town Centre First | Ballinasloe
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Galway County Council are beginning the process of developing a Town Centre First (TCF) Plan for Ballinasloe Town Centre and would like to invite expressions of interest from the local community to create a dedicated Town Centre FirstTown Team.
The Town Centre First policy aims to create town centres that function as vibrant and attractive locations for people to live, work and visit, while also functioning as the social, cultural, economic, and recreational hub for the local community.
The TCF approach focuses on a collaborative process involving all relevant local stakeholders, represented by a Town Team.
The Town Team is a group of local people, from all different backgrounds, with the objective of delivering positive change for their towns. Working closely with the Town Regeneration Officer and Regeneration Team, the aim of the Ballinasloe Town Team is toidentify a series of projects aimed at improving the Town which will be included in the Town Centre First Plan.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Town Team, please register your interest by submitting the Expression of Interest Form below via e-mail to or by post to Urban & Rural Regeneration Team, Economic Development and Planning, Rural Aras an Chontae, Prospect Hill, Galway H91 H6KX
The maximum number of members of the Town Team is 12, a shortlisting process of applicants will be progressed after the closing date.
Closing date Monday the 26th of August.
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