Town & Village Renewal Scheme
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Town and Village Renewal Scheme (TVRS)
The Town and Village Renewal Scheme supports small to medium capital projects which enhance the environment of town or village centres. The Town and Village Renewal Scheme is funded by the Department of Community and Rural Development and administered by the Local Authorities.
The Town and Village Renewal Scheme (TVRS) is funded under Project Ireland 2040 as part of Ireland’s Rural Development Policy 2021-2025 - Our Rural Future and Town Centre First Policy. This Policy will see increased investment out to 2025 in remote working, providing opportunities for people to continue to live in rural communities while following their career ambitions. It will also see continued investment to support town centre living, address vacancy and dereliction, and promote cross government investment supporting rural towns and villages as hubs of economic and social activity.
The maximum grant level has been set at 95% of the total cost of a project under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme. The remaining 5% match funding must be contributed by the Local Authority and/or the community and/or Philanthropic contributions.
All projects must be in a position to commence as soon as approval is granted and must be capable of being delivered in a realistic timeframe i.e. within a 12 to 18 month period.
All expenditure under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme is subject to the terms of the Public Spending Code
Town and Village Renewal Scheme (TVRS) 2024
Expressions of Interest (EOI) are now sought by Galway County Council, from Business Representative Groups, Community and Voluntary Groups for the 2024 Town and Village Renewal Project Development Measure (PDM).
Number of Expression of Interest for the Project Development that can be shortlisted for further application are:
- 3 applications up to a maximum of €50,000 at a grant rate of 95%
The purpose of this Measure is to assist Local Authorities and Approved Applicants to contribute to a pipeline of significant, well-developed projects which might be subsequently progressed to construction stage subject to the availability of further funding. Expressions of Interest must be sought by the Local Authority, who can then put forward a maximum of three applications to the Department of Community and Rural Development for consideration and approval.
Funding may be awarded for costs such as detailed design, planning, procurement, professional fees, assessments and other development costs.
Expression of Interest (EOI’s) for the Project Development Measure can be submitted online via and must be received by 5.00pm on March 15th 2024.
Queries may be submitted to the Economic Community & Rural Development Unit, Galway County Council by emailing: Tel: 091-378850/091-509396/091-509334.
For further Information please see the guidelines at: TVRS - Project Dev Measure 2024 - Guidelines
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