Town & Village Renewal Scheme
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- Town & Village Renewal Scheme
- Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme
Town and Village Renewal Scheme (TVRS)
The Scheme (TVRS) is designed to support the re-vitalisation of rural Ireland through a renewed focus on town and village centre economic and social recovery and re-generation. The Scheme is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and administered through the Local Authorities who work closely with local communities and businesses to develop place-based proposals that can make an lasting impact in re-vitilising rural towns and villages in County Galway.
The Town and Village Renewal Scheme supports small to medium capital projects which enhance town or village centres. Grant funding can range from €100,000 to €500,000 for projects which align with Our Rural Future and Town Centre First Policy. Final project selection is made by the Department on the basis of proposals shortlisted by Galway County Council.
Activities considered under the Scheme include:
- projects which bring vacant and derelict building back into use as multi-purpose community spaces or remote working hubs;
- investment in development of parks, green space, and recreational amenities in town and village centres, plazas, markets, or examination of suitable sites;
- refurbishment to existing community facilities and centres;
- projects to support vibrant and sustainable communities on Galway’s inhabited offshore islands;
- sustainable projects or ones which include nature-based solutions; projects that focus on accessibility for all and inclusivity.
The Scheme may also include Streetscape Enhancement Measures to improve streetfront facades, and Project Development Measures for activities which remain at the planning stage.
For further information, please view our Information Guides:
TVRS Information Booklet
TVRS Leabhrán Eolais
The Rural Development Unit at Galway County Council can be contacted for general queries or to set up a time to discuss your proposal at the following email address:
Tel: 091 509396 and 091 509334
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