Headford LAP
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- Oughterard LAP
- Craughwell LAP
- Kinvara LAP
- Clarinbridge
- Headford LAP
- Maigh Cuilinn LAP
- Oranmore LAP
- Portumna LAP
- Bearna LAP
- Clifden LAP
- Gaeltacht LAP
- Claregalway LAP
- Ballinasloe LAP 2015-2021
- Tuam LAP
Headford Local Area Plan 2015-2021* (altered following the Ministerial Direction of 17 December 2015)
The Headford Local Area Plan 2015-2021 was adopted on 28th September 2015 in accordance with Section 20 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). This Plan is effective from 26thOctober, 2015.
Headford Local Area Plan 2015-2021* (altered following the Ministerial Direction of 17 December 2015)
SEA Statement Headford LAP 2015-2021*
AA Conclusion for the Headford LAP 2015-2021*
Headford LAP 2015-2021* Stage 2 SFRA
Notice of Decision to issue a Ministerial Direction in relation to the Headford Local Area Plan 2015-2021 - Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 31 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) that on 17th December 2015, the Minister for Housing, Planning and Co-ordination of Construction 2020, Paudie Coffey, issued a Direction pursuant to Section 31 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), in relation to the Headford Local Area Plan 2015-2021.
A copy of this Direction is available at the link below and also at the Planning Office, Headford Library, Tuam Library & Area Office.
Public Notice - Ministerial Direction Jan 2016
Ministerial Direction pursuant to S.31 of the P&D Act 2000 (as amended)
Letter from DoECLG re Direction 17.12.15
Ministerial Direction - Land Use Zoning Map 1A
Draft Ministerial Direction (Oct 2015) - Headford Local Area Plan 2015-2021
Notice of Proposed Ministerial Direction Headford LAP 2015-2021
Draft Ministerial Direction Headford LAP 2015-2021
Proposed Ministerial Directions illustrated on Land Use Zoning Map1A
Public Notice Headford LAP M.A.
Proposed Material Alterations to the Headford Draft Local Area Plan 2015-2021
SEA Screening & Environmental Report on Headford MA
AA Screening & NIR on Headford MA
Stage 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Addendum
Proposed Ministerial Directions illustrated on Land Use Zoning Map1A
Draft Headford LAP Public Notice
Draft Headford Local Area Plan 2015-2021
Headford Draft LAP SEA Screening Report
Headford Draft Local Area Plan 2015-2021 - AA Screening Report
Draft Headford LAP Stage 2 SFRA
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