Digital Skills Introduction
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- Digital Skills Introduction
- Educational Providers
- Digital Skills Providers
The availability of training/skills is highly important. Connectivity is a tool and without the correct skills this tool will not be fully utilised.
As a local authority, we will promote the providers of such training and courses by advertising their events online, via Galway County Council’s website, which will be regularly updated on upcoming digitally connected events and courses.
We will seek to promote training for people of all ages and backgrounds and people with different levels of prior experience on computers.
These will include:
- Courses funded by the Government such as Digital Skills for Citizens Scheme, the Skills for Work Programme and IT skills for farmers.
- Digital training courses online through library membership. This resource provides a wide range of over 500 courses, including yoga, digital photography, computer basics, excel, and much more and can be accessed here.
Galway County Council has promoted skills course providers through different mediums previously, but we are now bringing this promotion through a central promotional portal for skills on our digital strategy web page.
As a course provider, you can contact this service by emailing .
Galway County Council will continue to support the training providers by providing information online via our digital strategy web page of the facilities and equipment available in our public libraries and BCPs to support course providers, enabling more courses to be run locally.
Galway County Council will support state and regional bodies with the promotion of courses, training and information campaigns around digital skills.
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