Privacy Statement
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- Privacy Statement
Who are we and why do we require your information?
We are the Environmental Services section of Galway County Council with an objective to protect, improve, promote, and enhance our environment in the interests of the quality of life, culture, and heritage for present and future generations.
Environmental Services have a key role to play in protecting and enhancing the natural environment and in providing quality environmental services in county Galway. We are responsible for dealing with over 100 different pieces of environmental legislation and has a broad range of environmental functions including waste management, litter management, river and lake water quality, dog control, environmental awareness, and food safety.
To provide the most effective and targeted range of services to meet the needs of the citizens, communities, and businesses of Galway County we will be required to collect, process, and use certain types of information about people and organisations.
Depending on the service being sought or provided, the information sought may include ‘personal data’ as defined by the Data Protection Acts and by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and may relate to current, past, and future service users; past, current, and prospective employees; suppliers; and members of the public who may engage in communications with our staff. In addition, staff may be required, from time to time, to collect, process and use certain types of personal data to comply with regulatory or legislative requirements.
We will use this information to:
- To fulfil our statutory functions and obligations as a local authority, as set out in various statutory provisions.
- To process your application in relation to, and/or to provide you with, any of our services pursuant to our statutory functions and obligations.
- To communicate efficiently and effectively with you as part of our relationship with you.
- To enforce waste/litter pollution laws (for example, through issuing fines for illegal dumping etc.)
- To deliver information about our services, where you have subscribed to receive same.
- To investigate complaints received about our services.
- To comply with health and safety law and other legal obligations.
View Privacy Statement for Environment Department Administration here: Privacy Statement Environmental Services Administration
View August 2024 Privacy Statement for Environment Department, Water, Waste, Air, Noise and Enforcement
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